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Florida Citrus - Peace River Center

Florida Citrus - Peace River Center

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Matte the Artwork?

I will be starting a new trend where each month I feature a piece of work where I have donated the original painting to a local non-profit to be auctioned off (usually in a silent auction) and feature it on my website. The sale proceeds from the print version of the featured painting will go to the respective non-profit. 

I will offer 3 sizes - 8" x 10" , 11" x 14" and 16" x 20" (which is the original size of the painting. If you are interested in another size please contact me  - The 11" x 14" will experience some cropping of the original image. These are professional print reproductions on fine art paper that have a matte finish. 

You also have the option to have me matte your artwork

8" x 10" print will matte to a 11" by 14"

11" x 14" print will matte to a 16" by 20" 

16" by 20" print will matte to 20" by 24" 

This month, February, I am featuring Peace River Center, their mission is to engage, restore, and empower individuals in our community to reach their fullest potential. The vision of Peace River Center is to be a center of excellence for behavioral health and emotional wellness.

Peace River Center was established in 1948 and is a non-profit community mental health and victim services organization serving Polk, Hardee, and Highlands Counties of Florida. We offer a variety of programs including crisis stabilization, inpatient and outpatient services, a group home, substance use disorder services, mental illness recovery programs, and more. 27,983 individuals from Polk, Hardee and Highlands Counties received behavioral health and victim services in FY-2024

For more information please visit -

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